Palmetto Cheese Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that isn’t listed below?
Send us an email to and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. For additional assistance, please visit us on Facebook and post your question.

  • NO MSG
  • ALLERGENS– If you are highly sensitive to certain allergens (including any spices), we recommend that you avoid Palmetto Cheese as our product is one of many various products made in the same facility.
    o Peanuts (Palmetto Cheese does not contain peanuts. The facility that our pimento cheese is made in DOES NOT use or create products that contain peanuts.)
    o Shellfish (Palmetto Cheese does not contain shellfish. However, the facility that our pimento cheese is made in DOES use or create products that contain shellfish.)

Our tubs do not have a safety seal. Safety and sustainability are important to us and we are committed to maintaining an ongoing awareness of how we can improve in this area. We have annual audits from outside sources to assure compliance and improve our processes and have determined that our lids address the safety and sustainability standards and do not require the additional (familiar) plastic seal over the product. Our lids/containers are recyclable and tamper evident.

To open, the “tabs” around the container must be lifted until the resistance is gone. The lid should then be placed back on the tub with ease and tabs should simply snap down to secure and snap up to remove. It should be apparent once opened, so the lid cannot be removed and replaced and thus tampering with the product.

Palmetto Cheese has a good long shelf life of 120 days from our manufacturer (90 days from the store) and is also good open in the fridge until the date on the tub. However, like any product the “freshness” will be compromised after a few weeks, though edible. Of course, should you see obvious signs of product deterioration (separation or mold) do not consume it. While we use a product to preserve the quality and safety of our pimento cheese, we do recommend that you consider Palmetto Cheese as you would any product with mayonnaise and cheese.

The lid has a “Sell-By” date which tells the store how long they can display the product for sale, but we do consider this to be the expiration date. Once opened, as long as the product remains refrigerated, Palmetto Cheese should be good until the date printed on the side of the lid. However, like any product, the “freshness” will be compromised after a few weeks, though it would remain safe to eat. After the expiration date, the product should be discarded. If you are unable to consume the pimento cheese prior to that date you can freeze it, but only for use in a future recipe after thawed.

Yes, the mayonnaise used in the production of Palmetto Cheese contains pasteurized eggs and is considered safe for consumption during pregnancy.

The Experiment: freeze a tub of Palmetto Cheese for 24 hours.

The Results: We froze a tub of Palmetto Cheese for 24 hours and let it thaw out in the refrigerator.  The first noticeable difference is the dried out appearance of the cheese at the top of the tub.  The oil found in mayo and cheese will separate when you freeze it.  The product itself retained it’s physical texture, but the smooth creamy taste was replaced with a slightly watery and grainy texture.  After this experiment we would not recommend freezing Palmetto Cheese.  There is just no comparison between the fresh and frozen product.   If you simply can’t bring yourself to throw it away, try utilizing it in a recipe such as macaroni and cheese. We do not suggest serving a thawed out tub as is.

Yes, Palmetto Cheese is available for Food Service and Restaurants. For all inquiries, please visit our contact page.

Please visit our Contact page and try to give as much information as you can. If you would like to send us a photo, please click on “BROWSE” located under “UPLOAD A FILE” on the form. For online order issues, please call 1-855-288-8001.

T-Shirts, Hats, Tervis Tumblers, and Cookbooks are available for purchase on the SHOP page, click here to shop.
Payments for our PC Merchandise is done securely through Stripe.

You can visit your local grocer and find the deli manager. If you can, bring him/her a lid from a container of Palmetto Cheese. Tell him/her that this product is available over 10,000 locations across the United States.

We use nothing but the best ingredients in Palmetto Cheese. And the mayonnaise that we use is no exception. That is why we chose Hellmann’s mayonnaise.

Yes, lemon juice is found in the mayonnaise used in Palmetto Cheese.

No, Palmetto Cheese does not contain peanuts. The facility that our pimento cheese is made in does not use or create products that contain peanuts.

NO, Palmetto Cheese is 100 percent gluten free.

YES! You can print $1.00 OFF coupons at home by clicking here.

NO, we currently do not ship Palmetto Cheese internationally. Palmetto Cheese does ship nationwide on Gourmet Dash.

Palmetto Cheese – Original and Jalapeno, does not contain MSG(monosodium glutamate).

Our containers are made of Polypropylene (#5) plastic and our lids are made of Low Density Polyethylene (#4) plastic. These types of plastic are able to be recycled, providing the resources and facilities are present in your community. Many communities offer curb side pickup or have “drop off” locations that will accept a wide variety of plastics, including #4 and #5.
As an additional resource, the link below directs you to a website which allows you to input your zip code and the type of material you have (in the case of Palmetto Cheese, Polypropylene #5 and Low Density Polyethylene #4) to see if your community accepts these materials and where you take them if required. Click here for more information.

Container Uses

Palmetto Cheese container for crayonsYou finished your tub of Palmetto Cheese, but now what do you do with the empty container? You have several options at your disposal: recycle it, reuse it, or throw it away. Why throw away a perfectly good container when it has so many uses? Below you will find a list of uses for your empty PC container.


Snack Time
Fill up the container with your favorite snacks: fruit, nuts or chips. Good for your child’s lunch box or for a snack at the office. It’s a great way to keep control over the portion size of the snacks you consume.

LeftoversPalmetto Cheese Container for snacks
You made a batch of Broccoli and Pimento Cheese Casserole and you want to save what’s leftover for lunch the following day. Pack away a few slices into a container and you’re ready to go.

Food Storage
Instead of filling up your pantry with bags of twisty tied up items, keep them all organized and stackable. Good for rice, dried beans or various other pantry items.

Food and Water for your pet
Going to take your dog to the park? Here’s an easy way to make sure your four-legged friend has food and water. Fill up your containers, seal them tight, and grab the leash!

Chocolates and Candy
Need a place to store the candy that didn’t fit into your candy dish? Keep your candy and chocolates in a PC container and store them away.

Keep the Change
You can use the container for more than just food of course. Cut a hole in the lid and you have yourself a great place to keep your change.

Nails, Screws, Nuts and Bolts
The toolbox can become filled with little items that have no place to go. Place your nails, screws, nuts and bolts into containers to keep them from overtaking your toolbox.Palmetto Cheese Container for Dogs

A perfect size for touching up a room or for getting crafty. Seal the container after you’re done and you won’t have to throw away the leftover paint.

Emergency Lighting
It doesn’t hurt to keep an emergency kit stashed away in your home. Fill up the container with candles for emergency lighting in case you lose power or for a simple storage solution for your tea lights.





Palmetto Cheese does NOT contain animal rennant, enzymes from animal sources.
